Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Crystal Goblins

Josiah was bored, so he amused himself with setting the table.  He first set it with plastic dishes. Then, exchanged all the plastic for our fine china.  He put teacups and goblets at each place, except Hannah and Judah.  I walked over and asked, 'Practicing to get promoted to First Footman?"  We had recently been watching Downton Abbey.  Hannah walked over and lamented, 'Why don't I get a goblin?  Everyone else has one!"  We broke out laughing, and Hannah started to cry.  We explained her mistake to her.  Imagine, drinking from a goblin! Scandalous!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Elisha's Cast.

About a month and a half ago I (Michaella) took Elisha down the big yellow slide on our fort.  He was sitting in my lap, and his leg got twisted under me.  When the ride was over he was crying.  For several days he was fussier than usual, and he wouldn't put weight on his right leg.  The next day we took him to the doctor, but after x-raying him they said nothing was wrong.   After about a week we took him to another doctor.  It turned out he had a broken leg. They put a blue cast on him.  A few weeks after that we took him to get his cast off, he still needed it, so they put a green cast on him.  He kept that for a few more weeks.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Piano Prodigy

Little Elisha at his piano. 

Bum, Pah, Pah, Pah. I shall call this, Ode to a high chair.

Did you see me? Did you see me?
Did you notice the green cast on his right leg?  It was broken.  But more on that in the next post.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Waiting for my pictures to be uploaded.

The bottom of an airplane Josiah built last year.

The top.

Side view.  Yes, I am out of pictures.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Getting a snack.
Squashed pooch.
Aaaaaand, Its The This Guy again. You didn't expect that.
A fur ball, and its Aliiive!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Righteous bears

Hannah to Josiah one day, while holding up a DVD-- "I want to watch care bears"
Josiah-- "What are care bears?"
Hannah, with much pride-- They are righteous bears who make children happy."
Those supposedly "Righteous bears"

Friday, September 21, 2012


I am still waiting to get camera pictures on the internet.  I should have a new post within a week.
Here is a picture of Judah from Christmas.
            An adorable photo of Elisha, just to tie you over till the next post.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Never before seen pictures of Elisha Jack Valkenaar

Elisha's first bath.  He is not too enthusiastic

I'm so cold, I want to go back to bed.

On top of that, Judah's gonna come get me, help!

Stop that.  Ow, my eyes, my eyes!
Waaah!  Waaah!  What is going  on?

Nooooooo! Not a bath!

I'm clean, I am clean.  Augh!  The washcloth of doom.

I'd suck on my hand, but,  sniff, sniff, It's stuck in my sleeve

Poor goopy eyed  baby.

Such sorrow, and at such a young age.

Don't cry Baby, I will give you a kiss.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Pictures between events

Trying on Josiah's kepi.  "Who turned out the lights!"

The cookie's last view.

Hands up!  Or i will fire my popgun past your right ear.

Silence, the king speaks.
Okay, i am ready to nurse now.   Didn't i say, 'NOW'

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cocoa puffs of a galactic size.

Hannah:  "Josiah, does God send satellites to punish people?"
Josiah:  "No, satellites are made by people."
Hannah: "Oh."
Noah, while throwing a lego at Hannah: "Asteroid coming to hit you!"
Hannah:  "Yeah, Asteroids was what I meant, they look like big cocoa puffs."

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


  "Look Mom, I've got a worm!  And I''m going to eat it"
Hmm, what is Josiah doing with the air compressor?  Do you think it has anything to do with Judah's new breakfast preferences?

  Aha! We made jello worms.

Daddy thought it would be fun to put some real worms in there with them, so when a little kid grabbed one...

The tricky part was extracting the worms from the straws.  That was what Josiah was doing with the air compressor.

Frogs, Cheesecake, Elisha and Tuttles.

Elisha camera
Making lumpy cheesecake.
Reminds me of the fairy tale where a guy's beard turns into a toad.

he is going to eat me!  Help!

He's got my arm, ouch, help help!

here, I will sacrifice this Turtle to The Dragon

Row, row, row your box. Gently down the carpet.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Dollies and Babies

Elisha doing tongue exercises.
Why are you looking at me


Dollie family pictures

One happy little girl.

Burp the baby,

wear the baby.

She has little hands for ears.

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